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Misdirected Housing Supports: Why the Mortgage Interest Deduction Unjustly Subsidizes High-Income Households and Expands Racial Disparities
AUTHOR: Brandeis University’s Heller School for Social Policy…
YEAR: 2021
The report examines who is likeliest to benefit from the $25 billion annual tax expenditure on the mortgage interest deduction embedded in the tax
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The Color of the Capital Gap
AUTHOR: Boston Indicators
YEAR: 2021
In The Color of the Capital Gap, produced by Boston Indicators, the Economic Inclusion Strategy team at the Boston Foundation and in partnership wi
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Reimagining Fiscal Sponsorship in Service of Equity Report
AUTHOR: TSNE MissionWorks
YEAR: 2021
What barriers do BIPOC-led grassroots groups encounter in attempting to access equitable holistic, responsive, and culturally aligned fiscal sponso
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Our Homes, Our Communities: How Housing Acquisition Strategies Can Create Affordable Housing, Stabilize Neighborhoods, and Prevent Displacement
AUTHOR: James A. Crowder Jr., Chris Schildt, Rick Jacobus…
YEAR: 2021
This report details strategies that cities can lead to creating equitable housing outcomes for residents by moving privately owned rental housing i
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Race and Gender Wealth Equity and the Role of Employee Share Ownership
AUTHOR: Aspen Institute
YEAR: 2021
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, in an allegedly strong economy, workers at the bottom of the opportunity scale were struggling to support themse
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The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Homes
YEAR: 2021
This report details the shortage in affordable rental homes across the United States using geographic data by state.
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Living in Boston During COVID-19: Vaccination Planning and Hesitancy
AUTHOR: Boston Area Research Initiative, Center for Survey…
YEAR: 2021
In the summer of 2020, the Boston Area Research Initiative (BARI) at Northeastern
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Housing Stability Resources and Eviction Prevention Response in a Pandemic
AUTHOR: Callie Clark and Clark Ziegler
YEAR: 2021
In Massachusetts, we are now facing two housing crises.
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The Impact of Home: Building to Opportunity, Health & Equity
AUTHOR: Nicole Manchester, Andrea Ponsor
YEAR: 2020
Home is the cornerstone of our identities and our well-being.
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Preserving Affordable Homes for Equitable, Healthy Communities
AUTHOR: Andrea Ponsor, Althea Arnold, Michael Bodaken
YEAR: 2020
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What Determines the Success of Housing Mobility Programs?
AUTHOR: Dionissi Aliprantis, Hal Martin, and Kristen Tauber…
YEAR: 2020
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Rural Small Business Need Local Solutions to Survive
AUTHOR: Hanna Love and Mike Powe
YEAR: 2020
The COVID-19 small business crisis is prolonged and uneven, inflicting a disproportionate toll on microbusinesse
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Building Toward Racial Justice and Equity in Health
AUTHOR: Office of Attorney General, Massachusetts
YEAR: 2020
This report begins with an overview of the disproportionate harm that COVID-19 has caused in communities of color, and then outlines actionable rec
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The Reckoning: When a Pandemic Collides with Systemic Racism
AUTHOR: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
YEAR: 2020
Black Americans are now experiencing two sim
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The Burden of Bias in the Bay State: The Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap in Massachusetts
AUTHOR: Jen Douglas
YEAR: 2020
The Building Movement Project’s Race to Lead series investigates why there are so few leaders of color in the nonprofit sector and documents the ch
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Antiracism Expanding Social Work Education: A Qualitative Analysis of the Undoing Racism Workshop Experience
AUTHOR: Johnnie Hamilton-Mason & Samantha Schneider…
YEAR: 2020
The importance of addressing implications of racism has reached a critical point at colleges and universities across the United States, and schools
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HUD Historical and Archived Reports
AUTHOR: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development…
YEAR: 2020
Historical and Archived Reports
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Massachusetts Emergency Rental Assistance Programs in response to COVID-19
YEAR: 2020
In response to the COVID-19 health emergency, local governments across Massachusetts are seeking ways to help residents who have lost their jobs or
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Race to Lead Revisited: Obstacles and Opportunities in Addressing the Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap
AUTHOR: Building Movement Project
YEAR: 2020
Race to Lead Revisited: Obstacles and Opportunities in Addressing the Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap presents findings from a 2019 survey of more
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Qualified Renters Need Not Apply Race and Voucher Discrimination in the Metro Boston Rental Housing Market
AUTHOR: The Boston Foundation, Suffolk University, Analysis…
YEAR: 2020
This study measures the levels of discrimination in the Greater Boston rental housing market based on race and income level.
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An Equity Imperative: How the Workforce System Can Advance Workplace Health and Safety During and After the Pandemic
AUTHOR: Amanda Newman
YEAR: 2020
This brief highlights key ideas for how the workforce development system can promote workplace health and safety during the pandemic.
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Facilitating Organizational Change: Lessons from Nonprofit Participation in InclusionBoston
AUTHOR: YW Boston & Boston Foundation
YEAR: 2020
Over the past two years, YW Boston has had the incredible opportunity to partner with the Boston Foundation and a number of their grantees.
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Kids Today Boston’s Declining Child Population and Its Effect on School Enrollment
AUTHOR: The Boston Foundation, Boston Indicators
YEAR: 2020
Boston’s got a lot going for it, but we’re gradually becoming a city of high-income, childless professionals.
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Crowded In and Priced Out: Why It’s so Hard to Find a Family-Sized Unit in Greater Boston
AUTHOR: MAPC Team: Tim Reardon, Director of Data Services…
YEAR: 2020
Finding a home to rent or buy in Greater Boston is stressful. Prices are high, available units are scarce, and competition is stiff.
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