Sustainable Strategies for Language Access
LEARNING AREA: Racial Equity, Nonprofit Governance
6 hours
Language Access is a fundamental component of equitable community engagement. To meet the needs of underserved communities, our projects and outreach strategies must be multilingual and culturally welcoming. Language access allows people’s voices to be heard and affirms that their voice does matter. We live in a globalizing and increasingly multilingual world. Our public processes need to be multilingual, too. Join this interactive workshop session to:
- Work through sustainable strategies for language access.
- Talk about bridging from providing access to meaningful multilingual participation.
- Address the intersection of language and disability justice and examine how communication access benefits everyone and strengthens your public process overall.
- Strategize on public participation design that is not only linguistically accessible but culturally inclusive.
Registration deadline
Registration fee
Regular $100, $80, MACDC Member