Art-Train Agency/Organization Training
3 hours
The Agency/Organization Training is for staff at government agencies, tribal councils, community non-profits and arts councils of all sizes. For a single fee (waived for Black, Indigenous and People of Color-led community based organizations), participants attend an initial synchronous virtual training session, and then receive one year of ongoing technical assistance through an online resource library and optional bi-weekly drop-in virtual group coaching and networking rooms with Art-Train staff, experts and an expanding network of peers (every other Thursday).
The training includes:
-Understanding federal funding access and approaches
-Impacts of working with local artists
-3 customizable program models to engage local artists
-Tools for equitable collaboration
-Peer networking
For more details and suggestions of how to take full advantage of this program: listen to an audio recording of an info session and see this FAQ.
Registration fee
Free-$300 per person depending on size of org