Seasons of Leadership

Partner Events




Learn about the cyclical patterns that exist in our leadership and social movement organizations. Seasons and cycles help us to understand, appreciate and protect the ebbs and flows that occur throughout our time in this work so that we may be able to do the right thing at the right time. 

9:00am Welcome & Introductions
9:30am Cycles and Seasons of our Leadership
11:00am Break
11:15am Cycles Inventory Exercise
1:00pm Lunch*
2:30pm Organizational Seasons and Cycles
4:00pm Break
4:30pm Understanding and Protecting your seasons
5:30pm Closing and Reflections
6:00pm Adjourn

*Light Breakfast (including good coffee), some snacks and lunch will be provided.


In-person in Revere, MA
Our Ayni School and Training Center is located 10 minutes from the Boston Logan Airport and can be accessed through public transportation. The training will take place on the 1st floor and is wheelchair accessible.

More information will be provided after registering.