Unpacking and Addressing Privilege in the Workplace - Interactive Webinar Training

LEARNING AREA: Racial Equity, Nonprofit Governance
Partner Events
NeighborWorks America


1 hour 30 minutes




Privilege represents an unearned advantage that is granted because of one or more classifications or other characteristics. For instance, race-based privilege is separate from, but can intersect with, class privilege, gender privilege, sexuality privilege, age privilege, able-bodied privilege, or many other types of privileges. In this session, participants will explore the concept of privilege, how it shapes organizational cultures that are oppressive to people with marginalized identities, and ways to proactively identify opportunities to level the playing field for ourselves and others—all with the goal of improving our workplace and our performance.

The webinar training will last 90-minutes and include resource materials, check-and-reflect activities, interactive polling, and participant Q&A with the faculty. A quiz will open at the conclusion of the session which must be passed in order to obtain a certificate and credit toward continuing education hours. Participants can access the training site upon registration and begin looking at the available resources prior to the live online training session. Participants will complete the quiz and print their certificate immediately after the live session.

Registration fee
