Ask a Leadership Expert

LEARNING AREA: Leadership Development
Partner Events


1 hour




If you've ever doubted your ability to step into a higher role – or even held yourself back it's time to make a change.

About this event

You are a leader and do lots of things well! There are always those days that you doubt your abilities or would like to have someone to ask how to handle that problem report. This is the place for you.

If you are not sure where you want to go next, but you know your old vision isn't working - join me to clear the fog and see your path clearly.

If you, like so many others, are just feeling burnt out and the way back to normal is outside of your view.

You don't have to fit anyone else's shoes! You don't have to live in burn out. You can be the leader your team and community needs, by discovering and leaning into YOUR natural leadership style.

This month, join leadership coach Brenda Loan Baker to ask about the things that are challenging you in your position. Get experienced answers from Brenda and other ambitious, talented women who are creating their own elegant way of leading. Join us and work through something you grappling with and in turn you'll help someone else through your experiences!

Please note this is an online meeting in zoom conference.

It is best if you can be on video and you must have the ability to participate.

The details to log in will be sent to you ahead of time.

Registration fee
