Decision-making for Racial Equity (DRE)
6 hours
Description: In 2020, following the murder of George Floyd, many organizations and institutions realized the need to incorporate racial equity into their practices. However well-intentioned, many face challenges implementing racial equity across their organizations as too often, their plans and decisions are made without sufficient attention to racism, participation from people of color staff and communities, and deliberate attention to the opportunities to advance equity.
The Decision-making for Racial Equity (DRE) training provides a framework that seeks to disrupt dominant forms of decision-making that perpetuate racial bias. Through the use of Race Forward’s Racial Equity Decision-Making Tool (“RED Tool”), participants will engage and be guided through building an organization-wide racial equity decision-making practice and culture that centers Black, Indigenou, Latinx, Asian American, Native Hawaain, and Pacific Islander staff and communities..
Participants are asked to attend with other colleagues from their organization to practice working on an actual “choice point” from their real work. A choice point is a specific decision (e.g. program planning, hiring, budgeting, event planning, service delivery, grantmaking, etc.)--generally a routine aspect of your core work--where applying a racial equity framework could change actions and outcomes.
Audience: This training is intended for a general audience from different types of organizations and institutions, particularly the non-profit sector, public agencies, philanthropic organizations, educational institutions, labor, businesses, and social justice groups.
Level: Intermediate
Prerequisite: Participants are required to first participate in a full day “Building Racial Equity: Fundamentals” training offered by Race Forward.
Training Objectives:
By the end of the training, participants will:
1. Learn and identify ways that dominant practices and patterns of power and decision-making can perpetuate systemic racism, whether intentional or not
2. Learn an alternative decision-making framework that centers Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian American, Native Hawaaian and Pacific Islander communities and racial equity
3. Learn how to use the Racial Equity Decision-Making Tool (“RED Tool”)
4. Identify a Choice Point and practice using the RED Tool
5. Develop some next steps for applying the RED Tool to everyday work.
Training Duration:
This is a full-day training that includes four modules:
1. Disrupting Dominant & Racist Decision-Making
2. Adopting a Racial Equity Decision-Making Framework
3. Using a Racial Equity Decision-Making Tool (“RED Tool”)
4. Creating an Equity-Centric Organizational Practice and Culture
Registration fee